General Orders issued by Naval Governor William Swift (11 August – 1 November 1901). To learn more read entry: Guam Leaders from 1899-1904. To go back to the list of General Orders click here.

No. 33

12 August 1901

General Order No. 33
Consequent upon Commander Seaton Schroeder, USN, Naval Governor of Guam, having been ordered to the United States upon confidential official matters, I, William Swift, Commander, US Navy, relieved him temporarily as governor of this island on August 11, 1901, and by virtue of the authority on me conferred, it is decreed that all dispositions, including General Orders No. 1 to 32 inclusive, published in this island, remain in force, each taking precedence over those of previous date.


No. 34

26 September 1901

General Order No. 34
1. Within a circle having a radius of three kilometers, whose center is the main door of the Government House, Agana, is prohibited after November 1, 1901, inclusive:

2. The sale of all kinds of food stuffs in the streets or from house to house, under penalty of a fine of 5 pesetas to 20 pesetas.

3. The introduction, sale, or offering for sale, of all meat proceeding from animals not killed within the limits established in Paragraph No. 1, is also prohibited; the owner of the animal from which the meat comes, whosoever introduces, and whosoever has in his possession said meat, will each incur the responsibility established from clandestine butchery. Exception is made in favor of game and imported meats.

4. The Courts of the Justices of the Peace shall be competent to take cognizance of the infractions of the present General Order.


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