Rosalind Hunter-Anderson

Rosalind Hunter-Anderson earned a BA and an MA in anthropology from the University of California Los Angeles in 1969 and 1971, respectively. In 1980 she was awarded a PhD in anthropology, with an archaeology specialty, from the University of New Mexico.
Dr. Hunter-Anderson lives in Albuquerque, where she is an adjunct associate professor of anthropology at the University of New Mexico and continues to actively pursue research in, and write about, island archaeology.
Hunter-Anderson began her fieldwork in the tropical western Pacific in 1980 in the Yap Islands and has been doing anthropological archaeology in the Carolines, the Southwest Islands of Palau, and the Marianas for over twenty-five years. During the mid to late 1980s she was visiting assistant professor and research archaeologist at the Micronesian Area Research Center, University of Guam, and later conducted anthropological investigations into water customs in Micronesia under grants from the USGS water research program to the university’s Water and Environment Research Institute.
In 1987 Dr. Hunter-Anderson organized the first Micronesian Archaeology Conference on Guam and edited papers from the conference, published in 1990 as Advances in Micronesian Archaeology. In 1989 to 1990 she held a National Science Foundation fellowship at the University of California at Irvine where she completed an archival study of traditional Micronesian farming systems. From 1992 to 2006 Dr. Hunter-Anderson was a director, vice president, and senior archaeologist of Micronesian Archaeological Research Services, participating in several major archaeological and historical investigations for government and private industry.
She has authored numerous technical reports and scholarly publications on her work, as well as papers presented at international conferences. For several years Dr. Hunter-Anderson produced a weekly show, “Island Archaeology,” for KPRG, Guam’s public radio station, and provided a summary of Marianas prehistory in Guam History Perspectives Vol. Two (Carter, Wuerch, and Carter, Eds., 2005). Dr. Hunter-Anderson has also completed a film and interactive CD-ROM for UNESCO about Pacific voyaging traditions. The film, Becoming a Navigator, Becoming a Priest was completed in 2003, and the interactive CD-ROM, The Canoe is the People was completed in 2005 and has been released free to the public by UNESCO.