Paul Carano

Paul Carano (1919 – 2020) was a teacher, researcher and one of the founders of the University of Guam’s Micronesian Area Research Center.

Carano was the son of John “J.P.” and Mary (Ross) Carano, pioneer residents of Krebs, Tobucksy County, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory. At an early age, he moved to Hanford, California. He was a graduate of Stanford University and pursued other studies at California’s College of the Sequoias at Visalia California State University at Fresno and the University of New Hampshire at Durham.

Teacher at GW

In 1947, Carano came to Guam where he lived and worked for 32 years. He was brought to Guam as a teacher for George Washington High School, then located in Sinajana. He became an elementary school principal, and then an administrator in the Guam Department of Education.

He was a member of the advisory committee that brought about the establishment of what is now the University of Guam. The institution was established in 1952 as a two year teacher training school.

Author of first Guam history book

In 1964, he co-authored with Dr. Pedro Sanchez, a university textbook, “A Complete History of Guam” published by the Charles E. Tuttle Company of Vermont and Japan.

Co-founder of MARC

In 1967 he, Marjorie Driver and Emilie Johnston established, in a small College of Guam storeroom, a facility that evolved into what is now the Micronesian Area Research Center, University of Guam where he served as director for nine years.

During the course of his extensive research work on Guam and elsewhere, Carano conceived an idea whose time had come – a center for studies and research on Guam and Micronesia. Starting with materials he and a few of his colleagues had on hand, and obtaining statutory support from the Territorial Legislature and the Governor, his idea finally resulted in the establishment of the Micronesian Area Research Center at the University of Guam. A word renowned institution, MARC has the best collection of materials on Guam and Micronesia in the world. …Carano left a legacy of unequal value to this and future generations of scholars and historians interested in Guam and Micronesia.

Dr. Pedro C. Sanchez

During the 200th observance of the American Revolution, he served as joint-chairman of Guam’s American Revolution Bicentennial Commission.

At various times, he served as a speech writer for governors and drafted bills for members of the Territorial Guam Congress.

He revived and revised an historic US Navy publication, the Guam Recorder. On occasion, he served as an instructor of select personnel of the US Air Force.

He retired as a full professor and, some years later, returned to Oklahoma. He lived on the old family farm, northeast of Krebs and later moved to McAlester.

Carano traveled extensively, both before and after retirement. He was listed in the Who’s Who in the Pacific Islands, the Dictionary of International Biography, Outstanding American Educators and Current Authors. Additionally, he was a representative of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. He was a “life” member of the Stanford University Alumni Association, held membership in the Society of Professors Emeritus and Retired Scholars and, for many years, was a member of the Pittsburg County Genealogical and Historical Society.

Carano died at the age of 100 years old 2 February 2020, at his home in McAlester, Oklahoma.

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By Shannon J. Murphy

For further reading

Carano, Paul, and Pedro C. Sanchez. A Complete History of Guam. Rutland: Charles E. Tuttle, Co., 1964.

Sanchez, Pedro C., Robert G.P. Cruz, Paul B. Sauder, and Bishop Felixberto C. Flores. “A Tribute to Professor Paul Carano.” Guam Recorder 7, no. 2 (1977): 3-4.–1977-reduced/5

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