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History of Democracy in Guam

A common political fallacy is that democracy was a babe born in Guam during the mid-20th century under American rule. The fact is that democracy had its beginning in Guam almost two centuries ago when benevolent Spanish authorities allowed the local electorates to choose their gobernadorcillos (mayors).

Guam’s Political Status

Since the claim by Spain over the Mariana Islands in 1565 and the settlement of Jesuit missionaries and conquest of the CHamoru people in the 17th century, the control and ultimate political fate of Guam has been the subject of war and political controversy.

Guam and Its Three Empires

Few peoples in the world have had continued colonial status for the past 330 years. However, the CHamoru people can claim this unfortunate distinction. It all began when Ferdinand Magellan, and his three small ships stumbled upon the Mariana Islands 6 March 1521. Totally exhausted, sick with scurvy and half-starved, Magellan and his crew were fed and the ship’s stores replenished. Magellan stayed just long enough to take vengeance on the islanders’ for their theft of his ship’s skiff, and, reportedly, carve out human entrails for his sick crew.

Evolution of the Tourism Industry on Guam

To understand the evolution of tourism in Guam, it is useful to reflect on events that have happened since the advent of tourism in the early 1970s.

Envisioning the Past: Near Extinction

It is difficult to envision the reality of Chamorros who survived the colonization by Spain. A 10-year-old boy who witnessed the arrival of Padre Diego Luis de San Vitores in 1668, would have seen an almost 93 percent drop in the population of his people if he lived to be 64-years-old.

Early American Period has Profound Implications

Captain Henry Glass’ bloodless seizure of Guam on 20-21 June 1898, his quick departure without establishing an American take-over government, and even the tears of the last Spanish governor – Juan Marina – who was overwhelmed with the kindness of Lieutenant William Braunersreuther for not looking at the letter Marina penned to his wife as he and other Spanish officers were taken away to Glass’ ship in a sudden downpour, are all part of the complex historical and contemporary consequences following this commencement of the early American period of Guam history.

American-Style Colonialism

Colonialism is a process of usurping an existing order or orders of meaning for a territory or a people, and replacing them with a new order which is defined by the colonizer at that order’s apex. The intended result is that the colonizer will from then on be understood as the source of the colonial world’s order, and the source of any potential progress.

Judy Selk Flores

Guampedia Rubric Chair and Author. Judith (Judy) Selk Flores, PhD, retired in March 2011, after serving as Advisory President and Historian for Historic Inalahan Foundation, Inc., a non-profit Corporation whose mission is to revitalize the Inalahan Historic District.

Victor Consaga

Victor Consaga is a Guam resident and professional photographer. He received his training through his experience while on staff at Latte Magazine and the Pacific Daily News. He worked as a media editor for Guampedia during the project’s development phase.

Maps of Guam

These maps of Guam were put together with the intent to illustrate the evolution of the cartography of Guam.