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Augustinian Recollects

The second religious order of Catholic missionaries, who were given responsibility for the Marianas mission in 1769, were the Augustinian Recollect friars. The Recollects were in the past sometimes called the Discalced Augustinians.

WWII: Religious Life during the Japanese Occupation

From a religious perspective, World War II in Guam, or I Tiempon Chapoñes as Chamorros/CHamorus referred to it, was traumatic for a number of reasons. The Japanese invasion and occupation of the island was the most jarring and traumatic event in recent Guam history.


The belembaotuyan is a long single-stringed musical instrument historically found on Guam. It is classified as a stick zither, which is an instrument with no neck or yoke. The string is stretched between the two ends of the body and has an attached resonator.

Roberto Fracassini

Roberto Fracassini of Florence, Italy, began to play music around the age of six years old. He became an accomplished piano, flute, and alto, tenor and soprano saxophone player.

Patti Lane

Born in Devonshire, England, Patricia Williams Rivera, better known as Patti Lane, was drawn to music during her early childhood days when she would listen to records with friends. They would sit in silence and listen to albums in their entirety, after which they would discuss the music and try to imitate the artists they had grown to admire.

Mampolitiku: Politics

The Matua controlled the most resources and lands and were the most politically powerful class. Historical accounts give us a clear image of their place in society, but less is known about the other two classes.

Patrick Palomo

Patrick Palomo’s interest in music developed at an early age when he would follow his father, the well-known musician Joaquin “Ding” Palomo, to band practice. Patrick Palomo had the opportunity to see his father play alongside some of Guam’s most noted musicians during these practices at the home of Forrest Harris, a noted guitarist on Guam.

Norbert Tydingco

View more images for the Norbert Tydingco entry here. Mr. Smooth Norbert Tydingco is best known for playing the smoothest chord progressions in the local jazz arena earning for himself the nickname “Mr. Smooth.” Tydingco’s love of music began at an early age when his uncle, the late Joaquin C. Blas, opened Kinney’s Café in […]

Louie Gombar

Louie Gombar is an accomplished musician on Guam known for his playing of the vibes (vibraharp). Gombar started out as a musician at the young age of twelve using bottles filled with water and playing them as if they were the vibes. Soon after, Gombar began to get exposure to Guam’s music scene.

Jose Gumabon, Sr.

Jose Naputi Gumabon, Sr. (1904 – 1968) was musically and artistically gifted. He formed a stringed orchestra with his sons and close friends to play at parties, weddings, christenings, and other functions. Although Gumabon and his musician sons have since passed away, their memories live on through their children, relatives and fellow musicians.