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Ancient CHamoru Body Modification

Tooth staining. Unlike clothing or hairstyles, body modifications are changes made to the body itself that are of a more permanent nature.  Among the CHamoru people, the most remarkable examples of these kinds of modifications were tooth etching and staining.

Ancient CHamoru Jewelry: Manmade Accessories and Body Coverings

Body ornamentation. All human cultures practice some form of body ornamentation. Body ornamentation refers to the ways in which people decorate or dress their bodies for any number of reasons or occasions.

Ancient CHamoru Warfare

The nature of warfare. In any human society, there are different reasons and circumstances in which people might engage in warfare. Warfare, by definition, is when violence occurs between political entities, such as communities, districts or nations.

Cultural Aspects of Ancient CHamoru Warfare

Prelude to war. For the ancient CHamorus warfare was sporadic and functioned primarily to resolve political, economic, and social conflicts among different clans or villages. Although these confrontations were not large in scale, nor extremely violent, the ancient CHamorus took warfare seriously.

Ancient CHamoru Concepts of Beauty

Beauty as a cultural concept. Different cultures have different ways of defining and understanding “beauty.” In general, beauty is a characteristic of a person or object that people find appealing. Beauty evokes an experience of pleasure or satisfaction.

Guam Memorial Hospital

Located in Oka, Tamuning, Guam Memorial Hospital is Guam’s only public hospital, with a licensed bed capacity of 158 acute care beds, plus forty licensed long-term care beds at its Skilled Nursing Facility located in Barrigada Heights. The availability of beds for actual admissions at both facilities necessarily varies in accordance with the availability of fully trained and licensed staff.

Spanish Coinage in Guam

The early years. A method of barter was in common use by native CHamorus long before the Spaniards arrived in Guam in the 16th century. Because of this barter system and the absence of commerce, there was no need for a coinage system in Guam during the first 150 years of Spanish rule.

Pago (Pågu)

Eastern coastal village. Located on the eastern coast of the island of Guam, Pago is one of the oldest villages that predate Spanish contact with the ancient CHamorus. The village was settled near the mouth of the Pago River, which feeds into Pago Bay, the largest bay on the island; it is also the site of several important archeological investigations.

Guam’s Fiesta Table

Melting pot? Look at the table! Hints of the various cultures of peoples who have made Guam their home can be seen in every aspect of life on Guam. The influences of ethnic diversity are seen in architecture, language, religion and are also evident in the cuisine found in restaurants, homes, and on the fiesta table of today.

Cucumber/Daigo Kimchee Salad

A spicy salad that is made with cucumbers, pickled radish (diago), kimchee base and vinegar.