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Manny Crisostomo

Multimedia photojournalist Manny Crisostomo (1958 – ) is a native of Guam and is perhaps best known on the island for his stunning photographs documenting the lives and culture of the Chamorro people.  His keen eye and extensive photography work for almost 30 years have won him numerous awards and accolades, including the Pulitzer Prize in feature photography, which he was awarded in 1989.

Vince Reyes

Vincent J.C. Reyes, a Master of CHamoru dance, serves as Director of the Inetnon Gefpå’go Cultural Arts Program. Reyes, the son of Vicente (Ben) T. Reyes and Frances C. Sablan, was born and raised in the village of Malesso in southern Guam. He describes himself as growing up in a very CHamoru-Americanized family of the 1970s and 1980s.

Ariel Dimalanta

Ariel Perez Dimalanta is a commercial artist who began his career on Guam in the 1970s and has since won several awards for his commercial graphic art designs for businesses and organizations on Guam.

Greg B. Flores

Greg Borja Flores (1958 – 2010) was a master artist who was well known locally as a muralist, airbrush artist, caricaturist, political satirist and businessman.

Evelyn Flores

Evelyn Flores, a professor of English at the University of Guam, is best known as the author of The Island Cousins Series, three books that explore issues of Chamorro identity.  They are called Dolphin Day, Isa’s Avocado Tree and The Duendes Hunter.  Her cousin, Vivian Lujan Bryan, is the illustrator.

Ben “Sinahi” del Rosario

Ben “Sinahi” San Nicolas del Rosario is a Chamorro cultural artist who specializes in creating traditional Chamorro ornamental pieces and jewelry.

Leonard Iriarte

Leonard Iriarte (Familian Yåyi) is an educator (fafa’nå’gue) and an oral historian for the I Fanlalai’an Oral History Project.

Herman Crisostomo

Herman A. Crisostomo is a photographer and filmmaker known for his stylish television commercials and photographs of beautiful women.  Born in Sinajana to Herman Aguon Crisostomo and Marie Rosario Crisostomo, he is one of nine children.  Crisostomo owns Pacific Pictures Film & Video, and Pictures, Inc.

Clotilde “Ding” Castro Gould

Clotilde “Ding” Castro Gould (1930-2002) was a beloved storyteller, educator and advocate for Chamorro language and culture.  Through her sense of humor and gift for weaving stories and songs together about Chamorros and life on Guam, Gould helped create and shape Chamorro language resources and programs on Guam, as well as advanced cultural awareness of the Marianas in the larger Pacific region.

Na’lå’la’ i Kostumbren Guåhan, Living the Guam Brand

Na’lå’la’ i Kostumbren Guåhan, Living the Guam Brand. Guam Visitors Bureau Conference. April 7 – 8, 2011 Hyatt Regency, Tumon Guam.