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Presenting our re-imagined histories (Part 3 of 3)
English, Social Studies, History, Religion, Art
Elementary, 4-5
Middle School, 6-8
High School, 9-12
Time required
40 – 50 minutes
Materials required
- Healthy drinks and snacks (optional)
Related background reading
Related documents
Related links
Lesson Plan
- Students will, in groups or individually, share the re-imagined histories begun during the previous lesson.
- Students will discuss the many ways with history and contemporary life on Guam could have been different given the different proposed outcomes to certain historical world events.
Questions or Assessment
- What were some of the more creative ways that your peers re-imagined history?
- How different were the many outcomes in relation to the history of Guam and how contemporary life would be lived on Guam today?
- How do these historical world events seem more or less significant to you now that you have re-imagined them and their effects on Guam history and contemporary life?
Teacher prep
Bring healthy drinks and snacks for the students to share (optional).
Sharing Presentation (25 – 35 minutes)
- If the class is small enough, have students present their work to the group as a whole; otherwise, have students (or small groups) get into groups of 3-4 presentations, and have them present to each other.
- The length of time allotted for each presentation will depend on the number of students and amount of time available, but ideally each group should be somewhere between 4-8 minutes, with an additional 1-3 minutes of questions and answers. In groups of 2-5, have students derive a symbolic tattoo that they would all agree to wear.
- Remind students to be polite during the presentations.
- Encourage students to critically discuss the presentations of predicted outcomes, but refrain them from becoming overly disparaging.
- If students appear to be stuck during the question and answer period, prompt them to ask the presenter to discuss how she or he came up with their idea, how they researched it, and how they arrived at their predictions.
Classroom Discussion (10 minutes)
After all presentations have been completed, call the class together and hold a group discussion.
- Ask students to share some of their most interesting historical re-imaginings.
- Ask students to share some of the most significant changes that resulted from their re-imaginings.
- Discuss with students the importance of historical world events and how they relate to Guam and Micronesia. By seeing how much their lives would be different due to different outcomes from the discussed historical events, do students believe there is significant interconnectedness between Guam and the rest of the world? Why or why not?
Recap (5 minutes)
Recap what we’ve done and learned in the lesson:
“Today we’ve wrapped up our re-imagining history projects. We presented to our peers an example of re-imagined history, and explained the significance of such changes as it relates to the history of Guam and to the way we live our lives today. We wrapped things up by discussing the ways our island is connected to world history, and came to better understand that world history, for better and worse, is our history as well.”
Ask students for their favorite parts of the lesson.