Print version of this lesson plan.

By Theresa Ann Muna

Middle School Educator, Vicente SA Benavente Middle School, Guam

About This Lesson

The following lesson plan was developed as part of the Culturally Sustaining Education: The Micronesian Context professional development workshop held 24-26 July 2018. The workshop was held in Guam and made possible by the Center for Pacific Islands Studies at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa in partnership with Chaminade University of Honolulu’s Center for Teaching and Learning, the Department of CHamoru Affairs and the Senator Antonio Palomo Guam Museum and Educational Facility, the College of Micronesia, Alik Translation Services, and Guampedia. All lesson plans developed as part of this series were authored by a Guam-based educator with contributions from workshop facilitators.




Middle School, 6th Grade

Time required

2 days

Material required

Lesson Plan


With this lesson, students will gain an understanding about migration and how crossing spaces reflect their perception on how they view a space they live in through their lens (eyes).


  • The students will be able to know what migration means.
  • They will be able to understand the difference between crossing spaces and migration.
  • The students will also be able to write a one page reflection paper on what migration and crossing spaces mean to them.

Questions or Assessment

Write a one page reflection paper on what migration and crossing spaces mean to them.


  • Human migration – the movement by people from one place to another with the intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily in a new location.
  • Crossing spaces – the movement by people from one place to another sustaining their culture in a new environment.
  • Perception – the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
  • View – the ability to see something or to be seen from a particular place.
  • Culture – the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.

Vocabulary breakdown

  • Human migration means when people move from a country they were born in to another place. People migrate all over the world for leisure, survival or for improvement of lifestyle.
  • Crossing spaces means when someone migrates from one place to another bringing their culture to identify with in their new space.
  • Perception means when you understand a topic or idea and you are able to interpret it in your own words.
  • View means being able to have a point of view about something.
  • Culture means celebrating your nationality.


Teacher Prep

Teacher Resource: Guampedia’s Micronesia Portal.

Day 1

Introduce vocabulary

  1. Go through each meaning.
  2. Explain each meaning using the bullet points on vocabulary breakdown.
  3. Have students write a sentence for each vocabulary.

‘Post-it’ Activity

  1. Have students write their ethnicity on a post-it and where they were born.
  2. Students will stick the Post it on the chalk board.
  3. Students will be able to see a variety of cultures on the board, some born on Guam and some born elsewhere.

Making the Connection

  1. The teacher will make note of the differences and similarities that each post-it has.
  2. This visual will allow students to see how similar or different they are to their peers and classmates.

Discussion on Similarities and Differences

  1. Understanding the differences of everyone around us will allow each of us to appreciate each other instead of placing judgement on how someone acts differently.
  2. When people act differently, they are only indifferent because it is something new to us.
  3. Have students watch Breadfruit & Open Spaces.

Day 2


  1. Open discussion about the film, Breadfruit & Open Spaces.
    • What culture crossed spaces in Guam?
    • What hardship did they face?
    • How did they overcome their obstacle?
    • What was it that they didn’t give up on?
  2. Give students some time to write a 1 page reflection paper on what migration and crossing spaces mean to them.


Review vocabulary words.


Vocabulary word test.