- American-Style Colonialism
- Angel LG Santos
- Chamoru Self-Determination
- CHamorus Yearn for Freedom
- Contents of a Latte Village
- Early American Period has Profound Implications
- Envisioning the Past: Near Extinction
- Evolution of the Tourism Industry on Guam
- Folktale: Puntan and Fu’una: Gods of Creation
- Guam and Its Three Empires
- Guam Women in Art
- Guam’s Political Development
- Guam’s Political Status
- Guam’s Strategic Value
- History of Democracy on Guam
- Inafa’maolek: Striving for Harmony
- On The Question of Tattoo by Ancestral CHamorus
- Origin of Guam’s Indigenous People
- Partition of the Marianas
- Proa and Navigation
- Rediscovering Fo’na and Pontan
- SMS Cormoran II: Local Stories
- Spanish Response to CHamoru Depopulation
- Transmission of Christianity into CHamoru Culture
- Women and Religion in CHamoru Society
- Women in Guam History: A Critical Reflection
- Women in Politics
- Women of Inspiration in Guam History