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Post War Era Gallery

Art, Architecture, and Music

  1. Chamorro Music
  2. Filmmaking
  3. Jazz
  4. Quonset Huts
  5. Wood and Tin Houses


  1. Amanda Guzman Shelton
  2. Ana LG Sablan
  3. Bishop Apollinaris William Baumgartner
  4. Bishop Miguel Angel Urteaga Olano
  5. Carlos Pangelinan Taitano
  6. Carmen Romualdez Dela Cruz
  7. Concepcion Cruz Barrett
  8. Earl Edward Kloppenburg
  9. Eduardo “Jake” Calvo
  10. Father Marcian Pellet
  11. Forrest Harris
  12. Francisco B. Leon Guerrero
  13. Frank Duenas Perez
  14. Genevieve Perez Ploke Snow
  15. Governor Carlton Skinner
  16. Governor Charles Alan Pownall
  17. Governor Henry Larsen
  18. Governor Joseph Flores
  19. Ignacia Bordallo Butler
  20. James Murray Stewart
  21. Josef Martinez Ada
  22. Louie Gombar
  23. Maria Palomo Ada
  24. Mary Essie Underwood
  25. Paul Carano
  26. Pedro Martinez Ada
  27. Simon Sanchez

Government and Economic Systems

  1. Banking
  2. Civil Rights and US Citizenship (1898-1950)
  3. Guam and Its Three Empires
  4. Guam Congress Walkout
  5. Guam’s Political Status
  6. History of Democracy on Guam
  7. Låncho: Ranch
  8. Land Ownership on Guam
  9. National Attention on Guam’s Postwar Campaign for Citizenship
  10. Organic Act of Guam
  11. Port of Guam
  12. Resettlement Patterns Under American Rule
  13. Security Clearance on Guam
  14. US Navy War Crimes Trials on Guam

Health and Medicine

  1. Health Services
  2. Lytico-Bodig on Guam
  3. Medical and Dental Practitioners
  4. Nursing Schools: 1945-1952

Language and Education

  1. Education After WWII
  2. English and Chamorro Language Policies
  3. Role of Education in the Preservation of Guam’s Indigenous Language

Migrations of People

  1. Carolinians on Guam
  2. Filipino Migration to Guam 1945 – 1975
  3. Filipinos on Guam

Religion and Cultural Practices

  1. Faith Presbyterian Christian Reformed Church
  2. Jehovah’s Witnesses
  3. Seventh-day Adventists
  4. Sisters of Mercy
  5. Stigmatines

Transportation, Technology, and Communications

  1. Communications and Transportation Advancements
  2. Early Transpacific Telecommunications
  3. Guam Echo and Guam Eagle

Villages, Places, Organizations, and Island Life

  1. Baseball: History of the Sport on Guam
  2. Baseball: Youth League
  3. Brown Treesnake
  4. Cushing Family
  5. Guam Liberation Day
  6. Inarajan (Inalahan)
  7. Liberation Day Queen Contest
  8. Rebuilding from the Ashes of War