Early Historic Accounts

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  1. Ancient CHamoru Body Modification
  2. Ancient CHamoru Burial Rituals
  3. Ancient CHamoru Concepts of Beauty
  4. Ancient CHamoru Cultural Aspects of Fishing
  5. Ancient CHamoru Jewelry: Manmade Accessories and Body Coverings
  6. Ancient CHamoru Kinship and Land Tenure
  7. Ancient CHamoru Medicine Making
  8. Ancient CHamoru Settlement Patterns
  9. Ancient CHamoru Tool Making
  10. Ancient CHamoru Use of Human Bones
  11. Ancient CHamoru Use of Rice
  12. Cultural Aspects of Ancient CHamoru Warfare
  13. On The Question of Tattoo by Ancestral CHamorus
  14. The Matao Iron Trade Part 1: Contact and Commerce
  15. The Matao Iron Trade Part 2: Galleon Trading and Repatriation
  16. The Matao Iron Trade Part 3: Appropriation and Entanglement


  1. Oliver van Noort
  2. Taga