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  1. Ancient CHamoru Era Gallery
  2. Archeological Investigations
  3. Early Historic Accounts

Art, Architecture, Body Adornment and Food

  1. Agad’na: Canoe Builders
  2. Ålas: Turtle Shell Ornaments
  3. Ancient CHamoru Body Modification
  4. Ancient CHamoru Cave Art
  5. Ancient CHamoru Concepts of Beauty
  6. Ancient CHamoru Fishing Tools
  7. Ancient CHamoru Jewelry: Manmade Accessories and Body Coverings
  8. Ancient CHamoru Pottery: Early Calcareous Ware
  9. Ancient CHamoru Pottery Usage
  10. Ancient CHamoru Tool Making
  11. Ancient CHamoru Use of Human Bones
  12. Blacksmithing
  13. Canoe Building
  14. Carving
  15. CHamoru Dance
  16. CHamoru Jewelry
  17. Chant
  18. Cultural Design with History in Mind
  19. Kantan Chamorita
  20. Latte
  21. Latte Structures
  22. Latte’s Significance
  23. Mangkalamya: Skilled Artisans
  24. On The Question of Tattoo by Ancestral CHamorus
  25. Pole and Thatched Homes
  26. Pre-Historic Pottery of Guam
  27. Proa and Navigation
  28. Pumeska: Hunters on Land and Sea
  29. Weaving


  1. Agualin
  2. Ferdinand Magellan
  3. Gadao’s Strength
  4. Hurao
  5. Kepuha: Quipuha
  6. Matå’pang: Matapang
  7. Oliver van Noort
  8. Puntan and Fu’una: Gods of Creation
  9. Taga
  10. Thomas Cavendish

Environment and Natural Resources

  1. Ancient CHamoru Agricultural Practices
  2. Ancient CHamoru Calendar
  3. Ancient CHamoru Cultural Aspects of Fishing
  4. Ancient CHamoru Fish Weirs (Gigao)
  5. Ancient CHamoru Fishing Practices
  6. Ancient CHamoru Settlement Patterns
  7. Ancient Guam’s Environment
  8. CHamoru Seagrass Fishing Nets
  9. Niyok: Coconut

European Exploration, Trade and Scientific Studies

  1. Beachcombers
  2. Dutch Traders
  3. Early European Observations of CHamorus
  4. Galleon: San Pablo
  5. The Matao Iron Trade Part 1: Contact and Commerce
  6. The Matao Iron Trade Part 2: Galleon Trading and Repatriation
  7. The Matao Iron Trade Part 3: Appropriation and Entanglement

Government and Economic Systems

  1. Ancient CHamoru Kinship and Land Tenure
  2. Ancient CHamoru Use of Rice
  3. Division of Labor by Age, Class, Gender
  4. Emmok: Revenge
  5. Familia
  6. Guinahan Famagu’on: Children’s Wealth
  7. Land Ownership on Guam
  8. Maga’håga: Highest Ranking Daughter
  9. Maga’låhi: Highest Ranking Son
  10. Mampolitiku: Politics
  11. Manåmko’
  12. Manachang
  13. Manma’gas: Leaders
  14. Matao and Acha’ot
  15. Saina: Elders
  16. Saina: Gender Roles
  17. Social Classes in Traditional CHamoru Society

Health and Medicine

  1. Ancient CHamoru Food and Diet
  2. Ancient CHamoru Medicine Making
  3. Birth
  4. CHamoru DNA Studies and the Origin of the CHamoru People
  5. Prebirth
  6. Suruhånu yan Amot: Healers and Medicine

Language and Education

  1. CHamoru Numbers
  2. CHamoru Sidereal Direction Terminology
  3. Guma’ Uritao
  4. Ma Uritao
  5. Origin of CHamoru as an Ethnic Identifier
  6. Origin of Guam’s Indigenous People
  7. Role of Education in the Preservation of Guam’s Indigenous Language
  8. Uritao: Bachelor

Religion and Cultural Practices

  1. Alu and Pang
  2. Ancient CHamoru Burial Practices
  3. Ancient CHamoru Burial Rituals
  4. Aniti: Spirit
  5. Burial Practices
  6. Chaife’s Lost Soul
  7. CHamoru Ancestor Worship
  8. CHamoru World View
  9. Chenchule’: Social Reciprocity
  10. Dinague Laolao
  11. Fino’ Gualåfon: Moonlight Talk
  12. Geftao: Unselfishness
  13. Hale’ta: CHamoru Cultural Traditions
  14. I Tinituhon
  15. Inafa’maolek: Striving for Harmony
  16. Ko’lao yan Fattoigue: Custom of Bringing a Gift of Food
  17. Marriage Traditions
  18. Matatnga: Fearless
  19. Mo’na: Circular Concept of History
  20. Poksai: Informal Adoption
  21. Puntan Dos Amantes
  22. Puntan Påtgon
  23. Taotaomo’na
  24. The Young Maidens That Saved Guam
  25. Umayute’: Divorce

Villages and Places

  1. Contents of a Latte Village
  2. Fouha Bay: Cradle of Creation
  3. Pågat
  4. Pago (Pågu)
  5. Pulantat (Yo’ńa)
  6. Ritidian (Litekyan)
  7. Tarague (Talågi)

Weapons and Warfare

  1. Ancient CHamoru Warfare
  2. Cultural Aspects of Ancient CHamoru Warfare
  3. Slingstones
  4. Slingstones: Weapons
  5. Warfare