News stories and lectures
As the US plans one of its largest realignments of military assets in decades, the people of Guam struggle to grasp its impact to the island and its people. The planned military build up on Guam alone is expected to cost six billion dollars and will bring thousands of people to Guam, changing the island in many ways.
The move has brought national and international attention to Guam. Lectures, editorials and news articles are available here.
Paik, Koohan. “Ling at the ‘Tip of the Spear.'” The Nation, 3 May 2010.
Harden, Blaine. “On Guam, Planned Marine Base Raises Anger, Infrastructure Concerns.” The Washington Post. 22 March 2010.
Cogan, Doloris. “Author: Move Troops Back to U.S.” Pacific Daily News. 9 April 2010.
Lutz, Catherine. “US Military Bases on Guam in Theoretical and Global Context.” University of Guam Presidential Lecture, 14 April 2009.
Dweck, Jessica. “Why Are We in Guam?” SLATE. 23 March 2010.
TV special reports
Moyers, Bill. 2009. “The Marines Are Landing.” Now on PBS. New York, NY: Public Affairs Television, 11 December.
Rather, Dan. 2010. “Goin’ to Guam.” Dan Rather Reports. Devor, CO: AXS TV, 5 October.
Links to videos on the military build up
Day, David F. “Business Boom time for Guam.” YBIAsia. Streamed live on 5 February 2010. Vimeo video, 3:47.
Fujita, Akiko. “Guam Braces for Military Buildup as Troops Leave Japan.” Voice of America. Streamed live on 22 January 2010.
Radio interviews
Free Speech Radio News
“Residents of Guam say US military expansion threatens culture, ecology.” Tampa, FL: FSRN, 2 April.
Links to websites about the Guam military build up
Peace and Justice for Guam and the Pacific (
We Are Guahan (
Minagahet: No Rest for the Awake (
Guam Environmental Impact Statement Website (
Legal research
Aguon, Julian. “Other Arms: The Power of a Dual Rights.” University of Hawai’i Law Review 31, (2009): 113-154.