Fanai Castro

Fanai Castro graduated with honors from Mills College in 2003 with a BA in ethnic studies.
Castro is a local writer, poet, artist and organizer whose work centers on the movement for a nuclear-free and interdependent Pacific, community self-education and self-sustainability. She has served as a fact-checker, researcher and author for Guampedia since 2007.
Castro has done outreach work for various public schools on Guam, such as Agaña Heights Elementary School, Untalan Middle School, Guam High School and Southern High School and has given guest lectures at Guam Community College, University of Guam, University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Santa Cruz, Mills College and Portland State University.
Castro presented work at the Australia Peace Convergence in 2007; Famoksaiyan: Decolonizing Chamorro Pasts, Identities, and Futures in 2006; Fanachu!: I Fine’na na Konferensian Chamoru in 2006; United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization in 2006; and Japan Forum for Peace, Human Rights and Environment in 2005. Her artwork, Made in usa was featured in a 2004 edition of Guahan Magazine and her written pieces, Coming into Consciousness and A Fire in the Pacific, were published in GU Magazine in 2006.