Eskabeche: Recipe

Fish with vegetables in vinegar sauce
- 1 lb fish
- 6 tbsp vinegar
- 2 ½ cups water
- ½ tsp salt
- ½ cup salad or coconut oil
- 2 arlic cloves
- 2 medium-sized yellow ginger (mango’), grated
- 1 large onion
- ½ lb green vegetables (each):
- eggplant
- pepper leaves
- kadagan (chaya) [leafy vegetable, similar in taste to broccoli]
- cabbage
- bell pepper
- green beans
Clean the fish, slice in several places and add salt to cuts. Fry fish in oil. Cook the vegetables separately. Place a layer of vegetables and a layer of fish in a dish. Repeat until all of the vegetables and fish are used. Put the oil in pan and heat. When hot, add ginger, onions and garlic. Fry. Add vinegar and water. Let boil for about five minutes. Pour over vegetables and fish and let stand for about five to 10 minutes for the seasoning to permeate the vegetables and fish. Serve hot or cold.
By Magdalena Taitano and Sonia Rodriquez
Editor’s note: This recipe is from Lepblon Fina’tinas Para Guam: Guam Cookbook, 1985. Reprinted with permission from Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Y Inetnon Famalao’an* (Women’s Association).
* Y Inetnon Famalao’an was a women’s organization composed of cabinet wives and women executives in the government of Guam.