Annette Donner


Annette Donner and her two young children came to Guam in 1974 for adventure. She taught diving and developed and led dive groups to Chuuk and Palau. In 1978 she returned to her photojournalism background honed in Afghanistan and around Asia and began reporting at Guam Cable TV and later at KUAM and K57 radio.

Donner later produced educational and history documentaries including Liberation 40, Guam’s Liberation, The Salvage of the Caribia, and Protect Our Oceans. She’s occasionally worked public relations jobs in the government of Guam and held various writing contracts in Europe, Asia and Russia. Donner holds a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Professional Journalists, the Governor’s Ancient Order of the Chamorri, Ambassador of Guam designation, and Guam legislative resolutions.

After five years assisting mainland family, Donner returned to Guam in 2006 and was pleased to work as a video archivist for Guampedia.  The US Navy Admiral on Guam then hired her as his community liaison officer for his office and the Joint Guam Program Office. Donner is now the naval base commanding officer’s Public Affairs Officer. Her two grown children, Christopher and Paige, and two grandchildren in high school, Brittany and Alec, live in Hawai’i.

Guampedia entry co-authored by Annette Donnor

Baha’i Faith

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