In partnership with the Micronesian Area Research Center, Guampedia is e-publishing the Guam Recorder. The Guam Recorder was a monthly magazine of Guam.
Cover Story: Through the Back Country
Volume 3, Number 4
Table of Contents
- Flag Day Exercises
- Station Ship Quarantined
- The Bible as Good Literature
- Through the Back Country, by Lt. Comdr. HC Fischer, (CEC), USN.
- The Building of the Government House
- Guam, 60th. Link in Chain of World’s Airports
- A Cultivated Voice: Report of the Guam Agricultural Experiment Station
- Memoirs of Don Felipe de la Corte
- US Navy Radio: Spanish Governors of Guam
- Fifth of July Sports
- Social Doings in Guam: June Tennis Tournament
- Insular Patrol News
- Public Works and Industries
- Agricultural Notes
- Department of Education Notes
- Edgar Allen Poe’s Cottage
- An Editor’s Blessing
- Important Dates in July
- Tested Recipes and Domestic Hints
- Notices
- Shipping Notes
- Vital Statistics: Taxes are Due
- Guam Popular Port Seventy Years Ago