• Lawrence Cunningham
  • Latte Quarried With Fire
  • Rope Making Machine
  • Bipod Lever
  • Setting the Tasa with an Inclined Plane
  • Lever the Tasa
  • Quarrying Latte
  • Lifting the Tasa
  • Latte Skeleton Frame
  • Guma Latte (Latte House)
  • Taelayag Spanish Bridge
  • Dulce Nombre de Maria Church, 1817
  • Taleyfac Spanish Bridge
  • The San Antonio Bridge
  • Pupong (Woven Ridge)
  • Pole and Thatch Homes
  • Coconut Leaf Roof Thatching
  • Typical Pole and Thatch Home
  • Flying Gallery
  • Spanish Colonial House
  • Pangelinan's House, 1899
  • Balustrade
  • Fort Santa Agueda (Apugan)
  • Mamposteria Masonry
  • Mamposteria, Fort Soledad
  • Ladriyu (Clay Tile or Brick)
  • Sella Bay Bridge
  • Seagrass Rope
  • CHamoru Directional Terminology
  • CHamoru Directional Terminology
  • Thatch Assembling
  • Pole and Thatch Weaving
  • Thatched Roof
  • Pole and Thatch Illustration
  • Pole and Thatch Pattern
  • Pole and Thatch Home
  • Pole and Thatch Illustration, Joint 2
  • Pole and Thatch Illustration, Joint 1
  • Governor Carlton Skinner, 2000
  • Squid Pictograph

Note: Collection provided Dr. Cunningham to accompany relevant entries. If you wish to use content from this collection for commercial use, publication, or any purpose other than fair use as defined by law, you must request and receive written permission from Dr. Lawrence Cunningham.