Guam Recorder (1972, January – March)

Magazine on Guam and Micronesia. Published by the Richard F. Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center (MARC), University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam 1972.

Cover story: Ferdinand Magellan

Second Series: Volume 2, Number 1

Table of Contents

Cover art by Margaret A. Leach

  1. Ferdinand Magellan, by Paul Carano.
  2. References to the Latte of the Mariana Islands, by Emilie G. Johnston.
  3. Chamorro Names, by Gertrude C. Hornbostel.
  4. Notes on the Ancient Culture of Guam Pottery, by EH Bryan, Jr.
  5. Legends of Guam, by Mavis Warner Van Peenan.
  6. The Myth of Gapan Island Camel Rock, author unknown.
  7. Dumont D’Urville Early Visitor to Guam, by Paul Carano.
  8. The Queerest Stringed Instrument in the World, by PJ Searles.
  9. Guam’s First Lieutenant Governor, by Patricia Adams.
  10. Description of Events in Guam from June 20, 1898 to Date, by Fr. Ildefonso Cabanillas and Fr. Crisogono Ortin.
  11. The Treaty of Paris, A Significant Political Document, by Paul Carano.
  12. Brief History of the Guam Chamber of Commerce, by R. Adm. Carlton B. Jones, USN (Retired).
  13. Tungo i Taotao Miyo, by Paul Carano and Marjorie G. Driver.
  14. Historical Notes on Leprosy, by Cdr. LJ Roberts (MC) USN.
  15. Palua, Islands of Diversity, by Margaret K. Stumpf.
  16. University of Guam Marine Laboratory, by LG Eldredge.
  17. Filipinos in Guam’s 1970 Elections, by Joe S. Dizon.
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