Estufao: Recipe

Pork with soy sauce and vinegar


  • 2-3 lbs pork cut into cube size chunks
  • 6-10 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 large bay leaf
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce or salt, to taste
  • ½ cup white cider vinegar (or ¾ cup tuba vinegar)
  • 2 ½ cups water

Place all ingredients in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil, cover and turn heat to simmer. Cook over low heat slowly until the pork is very tender (Cooking it too fast will make the pork stringy and tasteless).

Remove the pork and garlic, discarding garlic. Drain well and lightly fry in hot oil just to crisp the outside of the pork. Dilute the broth with ½ to 1 cup of water, bring to a boil, thicken with cornstarch, and add salt. Add gravy to pork or serve separately.

By Lupe C. Reyes

Editor’s note: This recipe is from Lepblon Fina’tinas Para Guam: Guam Cookbook, 1985. Reprinted with permission from Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Y Inetnon Famalao’an* (Women’s Association).

* Y Inetnon Famalao’an was a women’s organization composed of cabinet wives and women executives in the government of Guam.

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