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Comparing and Contrasting Gender Roles in the Family and Culture

By PJ Sablan

Middle School Educator, Francisco B. Leon Guerrero Middle School, Guam

About This Lesson

The following lesson plan was developed as part of the Culturally Sustaining Education: The Micronesian Context professional development workshop held 24-26 July 2018.  The workshop was held in Guam and made possible by the Center for Pacific Islands Studies at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa in partnership with Chaminade University of Honolulu’s Center for Teaching and Learning, the Department of CHamoru Affairs and the Senator Antonio Palomo Guam Museum and Educational Facility, the College of Micronesia, Alik Translation Services, and Guampedia.  All lesson plans developed as part of this series were authored by a Guam-based educator with contributions from workshop facilitators.


Language Arts


Middle School, 6 – 8

Time required

110 – 220 minutes

Materials required

Related resource

Lesson Plan


In this lesson, students will analyze their roles in their families and cultures, to compare and contrast the similarities and differences in gender roles that they have experienced and observed.


  • Students will use the five stages of “The Writing Process” (Prewriting, Drafting, Proofreading, Revising, Publishing) to create a first person personal narrative.
  • Students will focus on the topic of gender roles in their families and cultures to publish their personal narratives.

Questions or Assessments

  • Were students able to analyze their own experiences and make observations on the experiences of others based on gender roles?
  • Were students able to produce a final published paper that addressed the topic while using good grammar skills to correct any errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation?


Teacher prep

  1. Bell Work – Write the following prompt on the board for students to work on upon entering the classroom:
    • Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting what it’s like to be a girl or boy in your family and culture. You must give at least three examples of differences and three examples of similarities (for a total of 6).

Prompting ideas (10-15 minutes)

  1. Classroom discussion – Ask some students to share their Bell Work Venn diagrams. If students aren’t ready to discuss, the teacher can proceed with playing the Crossing Spaces film series and proceed with classroom discussion after.
  2. Teacher can create a Venn diagram on the board and list the student examples or have students break in to groups of 3-4 and share a Venn diagram on butcher paper to list their examples as a group.

Prewriting (5-7 minutes)

Students will select the Prewriting method that is most comfortable for them (ex. bubble charts, lists…) to organize and add to the similarities and differences they listed on their Bell Work Venn diagram.

Drafting (25-30 minutes)

Students will take the information from their Prewriting session and start developing sentences and paragraphs for their Personal Narrative.

Proofreading (15-20 minutes)

Students will proofread their personal narratives and check for any errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. When they are done, they will switch with someone to so that they may peer-edit each other’s narratives.

Revising (10 – 15 minutes)

Students will make any changes to sentence structures or the organization of their content/paragraphs as needed.

Publishing (20 – 25 minutes)

Students will use a blue or black ink pen to write their final narratives, free of any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Published work must be neat and organized.


Teacher may choose to tie in the GDOE standards for listening and speaking by requiring students to present their personal narratives by reading them aloud in class.

Reflection (5 minutes)

Students will write 2-3 sentences reflecting on their thoughts about the assignment, as well as anything they have learned about the family structures and cultures of their peers.