All Politics and Government Entries

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  1. 1899 General Orders
  2. 1900 General Orders
  3. 1901 General Orders
  4. 1901 Petition
  5. 1902 General Orders
  6. 1903 General Orders
  7. 1904 General Orders
  8. 1914 Executive General Orders
  9. 1915 Executive General Orders
  10. 1916 Executive General Orders
  11. A 1974 Analysis of Social, Cultural and Historical Factors Bearing on the Political Status of Guam
  12. Adoption of “Guamanian”
  13. American-Style Colonialism
  14. Bill of Rights for Guam 1930
  15. Book: Secret Guam Study
  16. Challenge to CHamoru Self-determination: Davis v. Guam
  17. CHamoru Registry and the Decolonization Registry
  18. CHamoru Self-Determination
  19. CHamorus Yearn for Freedom
  20. CHamorus: A People Divided
  21. Civil Rights and US Citizenship (1898-1950)
  22. Commission on Decolonization
  23. Commission on Self-Determination
  24. Democratic Party of Guam
  25. Early American Period has Profound Implications
  26. Elective Governor Act 1968
  27. English and Chamorro Language Policies
  28. Fanohge Famalåo’an and Fan’tachu Fama’lauan
  29. Forzado System and the Mariana Islands
  30. George Leland Dyer General Order Nos. 78 – 80
  31. Guam and Its Three Empires
  32. Guam Commonwealth Act
  33. Guam Congress Walkout
  34. Guam Congressional Representation Act 1972
  35. Guam Constitutional Conventions (ConCon)
  36. Guam Echo and Guam Eagle
  37. Guam Hymn / Fanohge Chamorro
  38. Guam Leaders from 1899-1904
  39. Guam Legislature
  40. Guam Military Build Up
  41. Guam’s Early American Historical Overview
  42. Guam’s Political Development
  43. Guam’s Political Status
  44. Guam’s Strategic Value
  45. History of Democracy on Guam
  46. History of Efforts to Reunify the Mariana Islands
  47. Impact of Japanese Military Occupation of Guam
  48. Institute of Ethnic Affairs
  49. Japanese Military Administration of Guam
  50. Japanese Occupation of Guam
  51. Land Ownership on Guam
  52. Maga’håga: Highest Ranking Daughter
  53. Maga’låhi: Highest Ranking Son
  54. Mampolitiku: Politics
  55. Manma’gas: Leaders
  56. Nasion Chamoru
  57. National Attention on Guam’s Postwar Campaign for Citizenship
  58. Naval Era Governors of Guam
  59. Naval Executive Orders
  60. OPI-R: Organization of People for Indigenous Rights
  61. Organic Act of Guam
  63. Partition of the Marianas
  64. PASA Conference
  65. Perspective: Women in Politics
  66. Political Status Commissions
  67. Raymond Stone General Order Nos. 74 – 77
  68. Republican Party of Guam
  69. Richard P. Leary General Order Nos. 1 – 21
  70. Role of Education in the Preservation of Guam’s Indigenous Language
  71. Seaton Schroeder General Order Nos. 22 – 32 and 35 – 48
  72. Security Clearance on Guam
  73. Self-Determination for CHamorus and Hawai’ians
  74. Spanish-American War
  75. Territorial Party of Guam
  76. The Fight to Keep Tumon Public
  77. The Hopkins Report
  78. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands in Guam
  79. UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  80. United Nations Role in Guam’s Decolonization
  81. Update: Land Ownership on Guam
  82. US Naval Era Governors: Contributions and Controversies
  83. US Navy War Crimes Trials on Guam
  84. We Are Guåhan
  85. William E. Sewell General Order Nos. 49 – 73
  86. William J. Maxwell Executive General Order Nos. 180 – 194
  87. William Swift General Order Nos. 33 – 34


  1. Agueda Iglesias Johnston
  2. Angel Leon Guerrero Santos
  3. Angel LG Santos, Interpretive Essay
  4. Atanasio Taitano Perez
  5. Candelaria Taitano Rios
  6. Captain Henry Glass
  7. Carlos Pangelinan Taitano
  8. Cecilia Cruz Bamba
  9. Concepcion Balajadia Duenas
  10. Concepcion Cruz Barrett
  11. Congressman Antonio B. Won Pat
  12. Congressman Vicente “Ben” Garrido Blaz
  13. Cynthia Johnston Torres
  14. Dr. Pedro Cruz Sanchez
  15. Earl Hancock “Pete” Ellis
  16. Eduardo “Jake” Calvo
  17. Elizabeth Perez Arriola
  18. Francisco B. Leon Guerrero
  19. Frank Duenas Perez
  20. Governor Carl Tommy Cruz Gutierrez
  21. Governor Carlos Camacho
  22. Governor Carlton Skinner
  23. Governor Charles Alan Pownall
  24. Governor Eddie Baza Calvo
  25. Governor Felix Perez Camacho
  26. Governor Ford Quint Elvidge
  27. Governor Henry Larsen
  28. Governor Joseph Franklin Ada
  29. Governor Joseph Flores
  30. Governor Juan Marina
  31. Governor Lourdes A. “Lou” Leon Guerrero
  32. Governor Manuel Flores Leon Guerrero
  33. Governor Manuel Muro
  34. Governor Paul McDonald Calvo
  35. Governor Ricardo Jerome Bordallo
  36. Governor Richard Barrett Lowe
  37. Governor William “Bill” Daniel
  38. Governor William John Maxwell
  39. Governor Willis Winter Bradley
  40. Herminia Duenas Dierking
  41. Ignacio “Buck” Cruz
  42. Joaquin C. Arriola
  43. Kepuha: Quipuha
  44. Lagrimas Leon Guerrero Untalan
  45. Laura Maud Thompson
  46. Lt. Governor Frank F. Blas
  47. Madeleine Zeien Bordallo
  48. Pilar Cruz Lujan
  49. Richard Flores Taitano
  50. Simon Sanchez
  51. Vicente Cabrera Pangelinan
  52. William Safford
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