Cultural Design


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Making rare documents accessible

Browse our collection of digitized documents at your leisure—outside the library’s regular hours!

Since its beginning, Guampedia has made available e-publications and digitized documents previously accessible only by an actual visit to the University of Guam or the Agana Library.

Guampedia is not only Guam’s online encyclopedia, but it’s also a digital repository of some rare resources about our island, or materials that have limited accessibility to the general public. Guampedia also provides digitization services for certain workshops and conferences related to Guam or Pacific history and makes those summaries or proceedings available on our website. All publications are viewable using a digital publishing platform known as ISSUU and can be opened right on your computer or e-reader.

CAHA Workshops

With hosting the Festival of the Pacific Arts in 2016, the Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities Agency (CAHA) provided workshops for artists and other cultural producers who wanted to participate in the event. The workshops were meant to help FestPac delegates and participants to stay up-to-date with the festival coordinating committee’s plans; to learn the important connections between art and history in the creative process, and to be inspired to create new and interesting works to share in the region’s most significant celebration of indigenous Pacific Island cultural arts. To visit the CAHA Workshops page click here.

2013 Workshops

  1. Cultural Design with History in Mind
  2. Protecting Intellectual Property

2014 FestPac Workshops

Connect Me | Create Me | Promote Me

  1. What is FestPac?
  2. 2nd Workshop: Visual Arts Committee
  3. CHamoru Seafaring Lexicon Workshop

2016 Workshops

  1. CHamoru Cultural Values
  2. Jump Start Your Art


Browse through special resources and rare publications found at the Richard F. Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center. Through Guampedia’s affiliation with MARC, these publications, like the Guam Recorder, have been scanned in their original form with some formatting modifications. These publications are available on Guampedia for easy access outside of MARC’s regular hours.

All materials are provided with permission from MARC but still need to be properly cited if used in research papers, publications and presentations.

The Guam Recorder

  1. Guam Recorder (1924 – 1940)
  2. Guam Recorder (1926, July)
  3. Guam Recorder (1926, November)
  4. Guam Recorder (1926, December)
  5. Guam Recorder (1927, January)
  6. Guam Recorder (1927, February)
  7. Guam Recorder (1972, January – March)
  8. Guam Recorder (1972, April – September)
  9. Guam Recorder (1972, October – December)
  10. Guam Recorder (1973, January – March)
  11. Guam Recorder (1973, April – June)
  12. Guam Recorder (1973, July – September)
  13. Guam Recorder (1974, 2nd issue)
  14. Guam Recorder (1974, 3rd issue)
  15. Guam Recorder (1975, 1st issue)
  16. Guam Recorder (1975, 2nd issue)
  17. Guam Recorder (1976, 1st issue)
  18. Guam Recorder (1977)
  19. Guam Recorder (1978)
  20. Guam Recorder (1979)

Dr. Robert A. Underwood lecture series

  1. Thinking Out Loud: Ideas for Crafting a New Federal Territorial Relationship
  2. An Appeal for Recognition of Chamorros as an Indigenous People
  3. The Changing of the Colonial Guard: What do the Guarded Have to Say?
  4. The Liberation of Guam Across the Generations
  5. Unfinished Business: The Meaning of 1898

Other e-Publications

  1. 1817 Vocabularium der Dialekte Chamori
  2. Archaeological Excavations at Non Nok Tha, Thailand
  3. Chamorro Self-Determination: Right of a People
  4. Spanish Heritage in Micronesia Conference, Guam 2008
  5. Stonework Heritage in Micronesia Conference, Guam 2007
  6. The Hopkins Report
  7. The Organic Act of Guam
  8. Y Santa Biblia Complete Word List

Marianas History Conference

One Archipelago, Many Stories

In 2011 a group of like minded people from the Mariana Islands decided it was high time to have a Marianas History Conference, one that focused specifically on the history and experiences of the people of all the Mariana Islands. The initial group of organizers, led by Scott Russell of the Northern Marianas and Rosanna Barcinas of Guam, met in August and came up with the theme, “One Archipelago, Many Stories,” which highlighted the deep and rich history of the Mariana Islands as well as bridged the political division of the archipelago–a division that exists today. Learn more here.

MHC pages

Other e-publications

  1. 1823 Guam Vital Statistics Report
  2. 1901 Petition
  3. A 1974 Analysis of Social, Cultural and Historical Factors Bearing on the Political Status of Guam
  4. Adelbert von Chamisso’s 1817 CHamoru Vocabulary
  5. Archaeological Excavations at Non Nok Tha, Thailand
  6. CHamoru Self-Determination: Right of a People
  7. Cormoran-Südseefahrer: SMS Cormoran Crew Annual Meetings
  8. Fish and Wildlife Fact Sheets
  9. Guam Constitutional Conventions (ConCon)
  10. Guam Commonwealth Act
  11. Guam Echo and Guam Eagle
  12. Guam Military Build Up
  13. Institute of Ethnic Affairs
  14. Island of Guam by William Haswell
  15. Joseph Paul Gaimard’s 1819 CHamoru Vocabulary
  16. Life on Guam
  17. Na’lå’la’ i Kostumbren Guåhan, Living the Guam Brand
  18. Nobenan I Niño Jesus-Novena to the Christ Child
  19. Nobenan I Sagrada Familia
  20. PASA Conference
  21. Santa Ana Chapel, Agat
  22. SMS Cormoran II: Partial Crew List
  23. WWII: Prisoners of War sent to Japan
  24. WWII: War Atrocities: Tinta and Faha Massacres, Malesso

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