
Velma Jean Yamashita is a graduate of Academy of Our Lady of Guam, and holds a BA in art history from Barnard College, Columbia University and an MA in Asian/Pacific art history from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa.
Yamashita is the daughter of Antonio and Lorraine Yamashita. She is currently an instructor of art for the Division of Communication/Fine Arts in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Guam. The courses she teaches include Introduction to Art, Traditional Art and Architecture of Japan, the Art History Surveys, and the Gallery Management and Exhibition Design courses. In addition to teaching, Yamashita serves as the director of the Isla Center for the Arts.
Velma Yamashita is currently writing her dissertation for a PhD in non-Western art history from the University of Washington in Seattle. Her dissertation topic, The Commercialization of Palauan Storyboards explores the significance of tourist art, particularly how the objects serve as historical markers and expressions of cultural identity.
Guampedia entries by Velma Yamashita
- Acculturation in the Spanish Era
- Andrés Blázquez
- Buñelos Uhang: Chamorro Shrimp Patties
- Chamorro Jewelry
- Colegio de San Juan de Letran
- Domingo Medina de Santo Tomás
- Educational Institutions
- Escuela de Ninas
- Fina’denne’: Dipping Sauce
- Financial Support of Education
- Influential Governors in Education
- Jesuit Administration of the Marianas
- Lumpia: Filipino Eggrolls
- Manuel de San Juan Bautista
- Other Noted Rectors
- Pancit: Filipino Noodle Dish
- Potato Salad
- Rosa Roberto Carter
- Sashimi: Raw Fish with Wasabi