Guam Pledge: Inifresi

Recited in public schools

The Inifresi is usually recited during festivities/celebrations after the Guam Hymn (Fanohge Chamorro) and the Pledge of Allegiance. Inifresi was written by Bernadita Camacho Dungca, PhD. The curriculum of Chamorro Language Mandate Public Law 21-34 states that students in the first grade should be able to recite this pledge:

Ginen i mas takhelo’ gi Hinasso-ku,
i mas takhalom gi Kurason-hu,
yan i mas figo’ na Nina’siñå-hu,
Hu ufresen maisa yu’ para bai hu Prutehi
yan hu Difende i Hinengge,
i Kottura,
i Lengguahi,
i Aire,
i Hanom yan i tano’ Chamoru,
ni’IrensiÃ¥-ku Direchu ginen as Yu’os TÃ¥ta.
Este hu Afitma gi hilo’ i bipblia yan i banderÃ¥-hu,
i banderan Guåhan.

Translated in English: Guam Pledge

From the highest of my thoughts,
from the deepest of my heart,
and with the utmost of my strength,
I offer myself to protect
and to defend the beliefs,
the culture,
the language,
the air,
the water and the land of the Chamorro,
which are our inherent God-given rights.
This I will affirm by the holy words and our banner,
the flag of Guåhan!


For further reading

Guam Legislature. An Act to Repeal and Reenact §8103, Chapter 8, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, Requiring Mandatory Courses in the Chamorro Language and in the History of Guam in Public Schools. Public Law 21-34. 21st Guam Legislature. 2 May 1991.

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