Kamalen Park

Media Galleries

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“A picture is worth a thousand words,” the old adage says. Photographs, maps, drawings and other images have the power to make history come alive. In many ways they are a source of primary evidence for historical research. Guampedia has over 3000 historic and contemporary images to make your visit to our site more interesting and useful.

Browse Guampedia’s collections of photographs and images, videos and audio materials that feature various aspects of Guam history and culture. Many of the historic images are from collections located in the Micronesian Area Research Center at the University of Guam, the Guam Public Library, and the Guam Museum, while others come from personal collections that are donated to Guampedia from historians and other researchers, former residents, or descendants of people who lived or worked on Guam or fought on Guam during World War II.

Each entry on Guampedia has select images that are relevant to the entry, but visitors can access Guampedia’s collections through our photo stream on Flickr or by finding them in our Media Gallery. Images are also organized by era for easier searches.

Videos produced by Guampedia and other film excerpts can be viewed using Vimeo. Audio samples are playable as mp3’s on the Guampedia website.


All media on Guampedia are available freely on this website and are for educational purposes only. Each image is labeled with the individual or organization from whom Guampedia obtained the image.

If you wish to use any of the media from Guampedia for other purposes apart from Guampedia, or for publication in other sources, please obtain permission from the actual copyright holder. You may contact Guampedia for more information about how to obtain permission.

Contribute images to Guampedia!

Do you have any historic images of people, places or events that we would be able to use in Guampedia, Guam’s online Encyclopedia? If so, please contact us.

If you know where historic images of specific people, places or events can be found that will enhance our entries, please contact us.

Guampedia’s Photo Galleries

  1. Guampedia’s Photostream on Flickr
  2. Guampedia’s Flickr Collections
  3. Guampedia’s Flickr Albums

Guampedia’s Video Galleries

Guampedia’s Videos on Vimeo

Guampedia’s Audio Galleries

  1. Flora Baza Quan
  2. Guam Birds
  3. Guam Hymn
  4. Recording Artists
  5. Kantan Chamorita
  6. Guma’ Pålu Li’e’
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