Robert W. Wescom


R Wescom

Robert W. Wescom earned a MS in Natural Resources (Forestry) from Humboldt State University in Northern California and a BS in Natural Resources Management from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. He is a registered professional forester with the State of California and a certified forester with Society of American Foresters.

Wescom’s career includes two tours with the US Peace Corps (Liberia and Fiji) as a tropical forester, ten years with the US Forest Service on the Klamath and Six Rivers National Forests, where he was a Certified Silviculturist, ten years with the US Natural Resources Conservation Service on Guam, where he provided forestry and agroforestry technology transfer and trainings on Guam, CNMI, Palau, FSM, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu, American Samoa, and Fiji.

Wescom worked in various environmental positions with the US Navy Environmental Division on Guam, retiring at the end of 2011 as the Regional Environmental Coordinator at Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Marianas. He is now the senior consultant of WesMurph Consulting.

Wescom coauthored the University of Guam’s Biological Nitrogen Fixation Symbiotic Relationship of Legume-Rhizobia, and various field manuals on atoll agroforestry through the UNDP/FAO Pacific Islands Forests and Trees Support Programme.

Guampedia entry by Robert W. Wescom

Guampedia entry co-authored by Robert W. Wescom

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