Nobenan San Antonion Padua (Novena to Saint Anthony of Padua)
Nobenan San Antonion Padua (Novena to Saint Anthony of Padua). By Father Roman Maria de Vera Capuchin Missionary (1941)
Nobenan San Antonion Padua (Novena to Saint Anthony of Padua). By Father Roman Maria de Vera Capuchin Missionary (1941)
Nobenan i Sagråda Familia Jesus Maria Jose (Novena to the Holy Family Jesus Mary Joseph) CHamoru/Chamorro English Tinige‘ Påle‘ Roman Maria de VeraMisioneron Kapuchino (1941) By Father Roman Maria de
“Gof Metgot I Mana’amte Yan I Amot Siha”—a solemn and profound message recently conveyed at a family gathering by Mrs. Josefa Cruz Certeza, known affectionately to her family, friends, and the community of Guam as Tan Pai, by amazing grace, still alive and well at 96 years old.
As a child, Juan Cepeda was exposed to traditional healing methods as he assisted his mother Francisca Quitano Cepeda, a suruhåna with the picking of medicinal herbs and other chores required in the preparation of medicines. An everyday occurrence, patients visited their home seeking help from Tan Francisca, providing Juan a means of learning to identify the different plants and their medicinal purposes. However, it would be many years later before Juan actually practiced the art of traditional healing.
As a child growing up in Saipan, it was a common sight for young Genaro Saralu, to see his mother, a local healer treating her patients. Genaro’s great-grandfather, grandfather, and mother were all healers. Genaro’s mother and grandfather taught him the proper methods and techniques of gathering the plants used to prepare medicine for various ailments, as well as various methods of massage. Genaro also learned to call upon the strength of his ancestors to heal his patients.
Master Suruhåna Tan Regina and Master Suruhånu Tun Jesus Terlaje have treated hundreds of individuals from throughout the island who have sought healing through a suruhånu.
Master Suruhåna Angela Santos Palacios has treated many individuals and is a well-known and well-sought suruhåna.
The CHamorus often made their fishing nets out of the vascular bundles of fibers from Lo’u, a common seagrass. This seagrass is frequently called turtle grass or eel grass in English, lo’u in CHamoru, and the scientific name is Enhalus acoroides.
Since 2008, has been recognized as a valuable community resource for and about the Mariana Islands. With a small managing team and a network of scholars and community partners, we serve a diverse audience of visitors from Guam and around the world who are interested in learning about our islands, our history and our people. Over the years we have continually developed new content to add to our collection of entries on a wide range of topics on Guam/Marianas history, environment, society, arts and culture. Our educational mission compels us to seek opportunities to engage with our audiences and ensure that we meet needs and expectations of the people who use our content
Our food choices. As with most communities, the necessity for food is interwoven with cultural and social needs. For the people of the Mariana Island, food is, and always has been, central to the cultural practices and traditions that have shaped daily life in the community.